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See how Ziggy has impacted Yrsa, a special young lady at the heart of Ziggy

Writer's picture: Lucy BennettLucy Bennett

Recently Yrsa and her family received a Ziggy of their own. See their joyful reaction below!

Yrsa is a young woman with severe physical and mental disabilities. Her mother, Nicole van den Dries-Luitwieler, is an experienced physiotherapist and, along with Yrsa’s father the family make a big difference to the lives of children and young people with mental and physical disabilities.

The family have been central to Ziggy from the very beginning. Their openness has allowed the Ziggy team to have intimate insights into their lives – and subsequently they are a very special family for Ziggy.

"Yrsa was very clear about what she thought of it, she kept smiling at her father walking next to her and wouldn't stop walking." - Nicole

Yrsa’s Ziggy is from Ik Ga EMB!, a foundation set up by Nicole. It was co-developed with students from TU Delft, who completed their honours project on the product. The students were from a multi-disciplinary background – Anne-wil van Werkhoven and Evy Ligtvoet from Clinical Technologies and Mark Noordmeer, Shane van Rhijn and Tim van Baast from Mechanical Engineering, supervised by Bram Sterke and Heike Vallery.

This first Ziggy forms the part of the IPSEN-funded Revalidatie Jaarprijs voor innovatieve patiëntenzorg – an award Ziggy won last year.

  • To read more about the incredible work Nicole and her family do, look at the Ik Ga EMB! website or facebook page

  • Check out Ziggy's blog post on being awarded the IPSEN Revalidatie Jaarprijs voor innovatieve patiëntenzorg

  • To apply for this year’s IPSEN Revalidatie Jaar Prijs, read more here

  • This progress follows on from a article published by TU Delft on the collaboration

  • Sign-up to stay up-to-date with the latest news here

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